Om's Observations

by Om Joshi

Latest blog posts:

Nothing but blue climbs, all day long, posted April 04, 2024

Seventeenth violinniversary, posted January 30, 2024

I half assed a half marathon, posted January 23, 2024

Hi there! Welcome to my website! 👋

I am a third-year at The University of Texas at Austin, majoring in electrical engineering, Plan II Honors, and mathematics. According to the university's style guide, "majors should be lowercase." (Presumably, this rule doesn't apply to Plan II and other terms of art.)

This spring, I'm off to Switzerland! I'll be spending a semester at ETH Zurich, where I will start my undergraduate honors thesis in the Hybrid Quantum Systems Group, led by professor Yiwen Chu. Sometime soon, I'll write about the project.

Back at UT, I'm an undergraduate researcher in the Quantum Circuits Group, led by professor Shyam Shankar of the ECE department at UT. The research group "builds superconducting and semiconducting quantum devices and circuits for applications in quantum information science and engineering," and this work is at the intersection of nanofabrication, superconductivity, and microwave engineering, among other fields. I've been in this group since spring 2021, and I'll be back once I return from Zurich to finish my thesis and work on other interesting projects.

Here are some of the research projects on which I've worked.

At ETH Zurich, I'll also take several classes offered through the Master in Quantum Engineering program. I'll probably be taking courses on quantum hardware, computational quantum physics, trapped-ion quantum physics, and quantum dot qubits.

This past fall, I took a nanofabrication lab course, graduate courses on quantum electro-optics and numerical linear algebra, a Plan II seminar on constitutional design, a critical geography seminar focused on Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and a course on corporate governance. I also continued playing my violin in the UT University Orchestra!

Here's a detailed list of courses I've taken and some of my thoughts on them.

This past summer, I worked at Intel in The Numerical Hardware Group, a new applied research group within Intel Graphics that focuses on computer arithmetic and mathematical hardware. Somewhere within this long blog post I briefly talk about what I did.

I also enjoy collecting and reading textbooks, and recently I've been trying to read more books (especially nonfiction and science fiction).

Here's a partial list of textbooks and books I've read and my thoughts on some of them.


I am currently modeling and designing a physical Rubik's Cube scrambling and solving robot, using an Ender 3 3D printer, six stepper motors, some motor drivers, and an Arduino Mega. Here's a video of it in action!

I just finished designing this new website! It's a major aesthetic upgrade from my previous homepage, which only had unstyled HTML. If you want, you can check out the source code.

Last year, I designed a tournament tabulation and point tracking program for Texas' state high school speech and debate organization.

I also developed and maintain an extemporaneous debate hosting platform and have used it to host extemp draw at a few debate tournaments in my area.

Here are the rest of my projects.


During the summer after junior year of high school, I started a blog so I could practice writing. I wrote a few posts about esoteric things like making a super PAC and exploring the Texas Administrative Code. Recently, I rebooted the blog after rebuilding the engine using Django. Here's a link to the blog homepage.

These are a Few Miscellaneous Things

I'm a big fan of science fiction. As part of my recent foray into the Star Trek anthology, I started learning the Klingon language (via Duolingo). I also wrote a blog post in which I ranked the Star Trek movies.

On weekend mornings, I enjoy going on long bike rides.

Here is a collection of quotes that were memorable to me and that I enjoy rereading from time to time.

Contact Info

How to reach me: email firstname at website.

Web Design

Here are my core web design principles:

I am currently NOT seeking a position as a front-end web designer.